" Foldown Drying Racks - Why You Need a Fold Down Styled Drying Rack in Your Home | Clothes Drying Rack " " "

Friday, August 20, 2010

Foldown Drying Racks - Why You Need a Fold Down Styled Drying Rack in Your Home

A foldown drying rack saves you lots of money. You may not realize how much electricity an electric dryer uses. It uses more electricity than any other electric device in the home! It is quite astounding how much electricity these wasteful appliances use.

By using a foldown drying rack in your home you will save money every time you dry your clothes. You will notice an immediate difference to your bill and over the weeks, months and years this will add up to an awful lot of money.

Plus you'll make other savings on your electricity bill with a foldown drying rack too. You'll find you won't need to iron as much because hanging clothes to dry is a great way to get creases out, without any effort or expense on your part! And if you use an air conditioning unit then it won't have to work as hard once you get rid of your electric drier, because the electric drier causes the air conditioning unit to work much harder than it is supposed to and makes your electricity bill creep higher and higher up.

Electric driers are tough on fabric. Every time you dry it rips tiny shreds off your clothes so they quickly become ruined. Plus the heat of the drying fades your fabric and makes it dull. Clothes will stay in much better condition with a foldown drying rack, because this is a gentle natural way to dry your washing that causes it no harm.

Foldown drying racks cause no harm to the environment either. By not using any electricity, you are helping keep the planet in good nick. Every time you dry you are using nature, unlike the electric drier which abuses nature!

Modern drying racks come in a great range of sizes and colors so it is easy to find one that suits your needs. They can go indoors or outdoors and are a great space saving alternative to the traditional rotary drying line which takes up lot of space in the garden.

Foldown drying racks attach to a wall or post and foldown when not needed so you will hardly notice they are there. Even when they are being used they take up a very small diameter of space and yet provide lots and lots of line space to dry your clothes.

Do yourself a big favor, save money, save the environment and save your clothes, get a foldown drying rack as soon as possible.

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